Proclaiming, Teaching and Living the Gospel of Christ!
Proclaiming, Teaching and Living the Gospel of Christ!
St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church, Herscher Christian Church, Trinity Lutheran Church and Herscher United Methodist Church combined to form a food ministry to serve those in the County West area. We meet every three months on the fourth Tuesday
The mission of our group is to provide Christian service to our community.
Regularly scheduled activities are:
Meals on Wheels: We provide a delivery service for seniors and shut-ins living within the village of Herscher. Our local restaurant(s) prepare their lunch Monday through Friday and volunteers from the four churches deliver it to them. If there is a financial need, Council of Churches covers their cost. Otherwise, each client pays $6.00 per meal.
Easter, July 4th, Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets for the Needy: Four times a year we offer to provide food baskets for the needy living in the County West area. Dan Martin, owner of Hardware Hank, serves as our central contact. Each church takes charge of distributing baskets for one of these holidays, Trinity’s being July. We provide a $50.00 food voucher to County West Grocery Store and the churches also collect canned fruits and vegetables to supplement their food supply.
Senior Luncheons: Each season we host a senior luncheon at Harvest View Senior Living Center. We provide lunch and a program focused on the renewal of their mind, body and spirit.
Emergency Community Assistance: We provide vouchers to the local gas station if people stop at any of our churches in need of gas or food when passing through town. They are referred to the Herscher Police Department which distributes the vouchers on our behalf. If anyone within the community needs groceries on an emergency basis, we also provide vouchers to County West Grocery Store.
Community Thanksgiving Service: Each church rotates hosting this service the Sunday before Thanksgiving. It offers our community the opportunity to join together in worship and praise.
New Resident Welcome Packets: We coordinate with the Village Hall in distributing a Bible and packet for each new resident, couple or family who moves to our community. The packet contains village ordinances and helpful information, service times and contact information for our four churches and $10.00 in Herscher Merchant Bucks.