Proclaiming, Teaching and Living the Gospel of Christ!
Proclaiming, Teaching and Living the Gospel of Christ!
Through Trinity Lutheran Church, God gives life, hope, and certainty in a world of death, anguish, and suspicion. Here we gather to receive grace--the free gift of God that forgives our sins and gives us true and eternal life. We are called and gathered by the Gospel, enlightened with God's gifts, sanctified and kept in the one true faith.
We teach and confess that Christianity is not a set of beliefs or rules but rather it is the very life and salvation God gives in and through Jesus Christ.
We believe that the Holy Spirit gave the thoughts and words to His chosen writers, who wrote both the Old and New Testaments contained in the Holy Bible (this is called "verbal inspiration"). This makes the Holy Bible the very Word of God, which is without error (this is called "inerrancy"). The Holy Bible then is the source and standard for all that we believe concerning the Christian faith and life.
God has revealed Himself to us as the Holy and Blessed Trinity who is one God in three eternally distinct Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit God has revealed Himself to us as the Holy and Blessed Trinity who is one God in three eternally distinct Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Jesus of Nazareth is the only Son of the Father. He is true God, begotten of His Father from eternity, and also true Man, born of His mother the virgin Mary. He is our Lord, who has redeemed us, lost and condemned people, purchased and won us from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil. He paid not with gold and silver, but with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death, so that we might live in Him now on earth and then into all eternity
The Gospel is the proclamation that Jesus died for all our sins on the cross and rose again in victory so that we might live. Jesus' death and resurrection are historical events that have eternal impact. Jesus gives us all that He has won for us through His Word and the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper (often together called the “means of grace”).
Because we know that we need the Gospel of Christ Jesus, our worship at Trinity is centered around receiving God's grace in Word and Sacrament. While many churches see worship as primarily being our service to God, we understand that the most important part of worship is God's service to us, giving us His gifts of life and salvation. God blesses us, and in response we pray, praise, and give thanks. This pattern is sometimes summed up as “God's love; our response”. Everything begins with Jesus and His love for us.
Our services are scriptural--practically every line of our services is drawn directly from the Bible, for it is God's Word alone that can bring peace and comfort in this world. Because of this we use many of the same forms and often same prayers and hymns that Christians have used for hundreds and thousands of years. Yet the Word of God remains living and active and dynamic as it is preached and proclaimed to us anew every week. We do not try to reinvent worship each week; rather through worship God creates us anew each week.
The Lutheran Confessions are contained in the Book of Concord of 1580. They include the Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds; the Unaltered Augsburg Confession and its Apology (or, Defense); the Smalcald Articles (and the Power and Primacy of the Pope); the Small and Large Catechisms of Dr. Martin Luther, and the Formula of Concord.
We at Trinity believe that the Confessions of the Lutheran Church are the best and clearest explanation and summation of the Holy Bible. We agree with them because they agree with the Bible. They focus on Christ and His cross, on our justification by grace through faith in Jesus. Although written in the 16th Century, these Confessions are not a new faith, but the historic, age old faith that has been held by the faithful throughout the history of the world.
If you wish more information, the LCMS has a very informative page found here: This page also includes links to several short topical pamphlets about a variety of topics.
If you have more specific questions, or would simply prefer talking to a living person, feel free to contact Pastor Brown with any questions you might have,
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