Proclaiming, Teaching and Living the Gospel of Christ!
Proclaiming, Teaching and Living the Gospel of Christ!
Martha Circle members currently meet on the first Friday of the month at the Herscher Restaurant at 8:30am March thru May and September through December. Special meetings may be called if the need arises. Martha Circle consists of women from the congregation that like to show the love of Christ to people through missions, fellowship and services. New members are always welcome.
Projects and activities, we plan annually are:
Preparing and shipping Lutheran World Relief quilts, and school kits with the help from the congregation in collecting the items.
Fill and send goodie boxes to college students with help from
the congregation.
Members attend Trinity Lutheran’s LWML Zone Spring Rally and
Fall Work shop.
Make an annual donation to the LWML mite fund.
We organize and serve funeral dinners with the help of all the generous volunteers of the congregation.
We thank the congregation for their donations toward OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD.
Hannah Circle currently meets at 6:30pm on the third Tuesday of each month, September-May.
There was no annual bake sale (due to Covid).
Priester’s Pecans and Peanuts were sold at a drive-up sale on December 5th.
All proceeds help to fund our mission projects.
Trinity Sewing members are busy working at their homes on quilt tops for next year. Anyone interested in learning to make a top, please give Debbie Witheft or Jackie Morrical a call. All experienced quilters, we will take your incomplete projects you no longer want and your scraps. Many of our tops this year were given to us from quilters in the community. We can add and finish the tops to fit our size requirements. We will keep everyone informed when we will have tops to tie. We finished and shipped 60 tops this year. What will be our goal next year???
Trinity Sewing Group is open to all. Anyone may come and enjoy a day of quilt tying and socializing or work at home on a quilt. We have nice shelves in the closet and plenty of fabric to make a top. Please know, the individuals receiving these items have very little and they will be thrilled in a top created by you. We are still in need of colored flat sheets. Flannel sheets are great for liners in the quilts.
In addition to the quilt tops, backpacks are sewed to make available to fill with school supplies in the fall. These items are also shipped to LWR each October.
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